we had oral again today
the examiner was friendly =D
the peka ppl came to mark our science file also
so mr ho and mr aru were there
everything was going normally until...
mr aru came in the room and smacked hema and katrina's ass with a file!!
in front of the examiner summore!!!
everyone was shocked
luckily i was safe..
or else im not gonna let him get away with it
i wanna watch Harry Potter =(
somebody bring me along..
ppl i know had been emo-ing these days..
so here's a few questions to you guys.

have you ever been in love, been in love so bad
you'd do anything, to make them feel this way?
have you ever had someone, to steal your heart away
you'd give anything,to make them feel the same?
have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart, but you dont know what to say
and had u dont know where to start?
have you ever loved somebody so much, it makes you cry?
have you ever needed something so bad u cant, sleep at night?
have you ever tried to find the words but they dont, come out right?
have you ever?
have you ever?
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