i gotta feeling...
that tonight's gonna be a good night
yea tonight's gonna be a good good night..
hema's party was great yesterday (excluding the part when i got freaked out)
joanne, wei nee, ile, kay, katrina, celine, me, ian, sam, win jian, hong yue, jonathan and hanwee attended the party
the girls came to my house first
then we went to ian's house and met up with them
we wanted to bring the brownies to hema's house so we went back
then me and ile went back to ian's house again

hema came to rush us so all of us went to hema's house for dinner
sam didnt know what the occasion was
he just knew we were going to eat
he stopped at my house assuming the party was mine and he didnt even know it was deepavali
oh my god auntie's cooking rocks =D
when we finished eating, sam and i went to my house to bring the twister
brought it to hema's room and we played
wei nee didnt want to play cuz her top was loose
so ian suggested sam to play shirtless and give wei nee his shirt.
they did alright
but wei nee didnt play anyway =.=

this was how the pattern goes
guys start first, the 2 winners get to play with 2 girls
girls next, the 2 losers play with the winner guys
so sam, hong yue, ian and win jian played
ian and win jian won
hema, ile, kay, joanne and katrina played
hema and kay lost
so on the last game, ian, win jian, kay and hema go against each other
it ended up as a tie since we were waiting for too long and it was getting more obscene
pictures were taken and it's gonna be on facebook
mine are gonna be in my blog only
later on we played kings until our deck of cards got lost so we stopped
we didnt know what to do next so we started chatting
you're gonna be amazed by how we changed topics
we started with ghost stories-evolution-the end of the world(the black hole)-people dying
all those freaked me out a bit
then all of a sudden we started gossiping
and people started to go home
then it's only me, jon, ian and sam left
we gossiped more, talked bout football, porn and sex, and facebook-ed
jon left for futsal training after that and the rest of us walked home at about 12+

overall the party was great
we shared a thing or two and i learnt a thing or two last night..
guys do! gossip
and the other one i cant tell in my blog