Monday, January 5, 2009

first day of school

today is the first day of school.met two new students n also met two old students...never knew chelsea(no not the football team) n shu-wei came back to acmar.saw sam in 3p today.didnt know he was here,found out tat my class teacher is pn.zaharah and she is teaching us usual,our class positions changed again.3s is back at the same place where i was in 1s..went back to the same class =.= school didnt change that much for me..same teacher,toilet is still the same,only they changed the toilet seat,class is still the same but our beloved lockers are gone,uniform changed,canteen food didnt change...oh ya n not to mention our time table is very very confusin...can anyone tell me what is ST?..i wonder who is going to teach us siviks?n mr.selva is not teaching us geo anymore(yay) anyways school is goin on so far so gud..students looked like rojak today.i saw a lot of interesting uniforms..haha

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