Please keep in mind that this is going to be a seriously loooooooooooong post =)
So in order to read everything, get your lazy ass up and stretch
Sit down, and breathe..... breathe...... and breathe again
Ok u can start now.. =D
I'm gonna start this post with yesterdays basketball pictures
I don't have much so I'm posting all the pictures in here
Don't bother finding for them in Facebook because I'm not planning to post them up there
This morning I went to primary school's concert. Going in the room reminded of the time when I was in primary
Practicing so hard to make the sure the dance was perfect
On the real day, the preparations we had to make
The make-ups, torture from the teachers to put thick lipstick and blush
The feeling of excitement and blood rushing to your head, trying not to screw the dance up
It's always a nice feeling to show the audience what we practiced for
And now, WE are audience. It's time for them to shine
I reached there and met up with Wei Nee and Kay
We took pictures of Wei Nee's adorable sisters..... to kill time
Starting from the eldest is Wei Lin
Second is Wei Ern
And the youngest is Wei Yi
Wei Yi was wearing an uniform because she had to take prizes for her achievements
It's sad she didn't get first in class BUT I wouldn't wanna be first in class if I had to carry that huge ass trophy around and I probably can't keep it because the school might want to use it again.
We found the prize giving boring so we went for breakfast in McD
We went back in time for the performances to start
Found a place to seat, it's torture on the floor beside the V.I.P seats
Most of us found the UFO seriously annoying because all it did was go across the stage and go back again
We stayed there until the Michael Jackson performance was over cuz I we couldnt take the pain anymore. The dance was more than 6 mins and I had to hold my hands still for the whole 6 mins just to record the dance..
In my mind I kept wishing it will be over soon.. But I guess it didn't!
Every dance belonged to a country.. Since the theme is Save The World
This was the first dance
It doesnt belong to any country
The "hosts"
If I'm right, this is the Indonesian dance
And this is.. Mexican?
This is Spain
This is Egypt
The make up freaked me out for this, even a fair guy like Paul had a Brown face
So scary, imagine the amount of make up that will come out when they washed their faces
This performance kinda stood out for me because I know a few people in it
Wei Nee's sisters, Alissa (Ash's sis), and Hayley (Irina's sis)
But my favourite was the Michael Jackson performances
Damn, those kids can really shake their crotch.. One or two only la but that's good enough to kiss ass!
I ain't kidding!
After that we went to Jusco with Jon and Victor and walked around
Eventually we split, me, Wei Nee and Kay were left
Wei Nee left so Kay and I met up with Jon, Vincent and Hong Xiang in F.O.S
Kay then left again so it's me and the guys.. all these sounded like maths to me =.=
They were shopping for Vincent's clothes, after trying on so much clothes!!!
He only bought 1 pants. And they were actually targeting on shirts?
He literally threw the shirts he didn't like out of his dressing room, after being warned a million times not to. And all the shirts he was supposed to try on ended up on the floor.
Every single shirt he tried on just doesn't fit him.. Odd
Hong Xiang found one shirt that says "Say Yes To Green". He wanted to buy it but I don't know what happened, he didn't.
After all those picking and trying he decided to pay, Hong Xiang disappeared after that, and Alvin showed up and later on Hong Xiang came with Jia Wun
We changed location and went to The Rejects Shop to try our luck
He finally bought 2 shirts! The thing that disturbed me was them helping Vincent with his pants and those 2 lovey-doveys
Vincent HAD to change to the clothes he bought so that delayed our 1.30pm movie but luckily we werent that late
The four of us Jon, Alvin, Vincent and I watched Poker King while the 2 lovey-doveys and Victor watched a different movie
Poker King was nice. I love Louis Koo and the movie was funny..

Make a promise with me,
You have to think of me at 12 o'clock every midnight =)
I wanna watch 2012 T.T
Anybody bring me??

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